About Us


A creative hub

At Unit6 we want to be able to give everyone the opportunity to create art. Check out some of artists work by heading to our Makers page. 

Click here to visit our artful community today



As well as providing space for artists, we have other stuff.

We want you to have fun creating and making, dont worry about being able to paint and draw, just come and give it a go. 


Weekend Creatives

This is an open session where you can simply bring your own gear and create. It’s not a tutor led workshop, so you can just do what you want. 


Simple printing techniques that you can learn to do when at home.


Have you got lots of photographs or paintings that you have never got round to framing? Try one of our ‘Frame your Own’ sessions 

Free Flow

Want to paint but feel you lack skills. Free flow painting is just about large scale mark making with paint.


Derive is a walking sketching trail. Using grid references and maps, we go outside, get some fresh air and do quick sketches related to what we see.


Whether its making beach recycled bowls, cards, zines or concertina books, this is a maker session. 

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